Friday, April 29, 2016

          Another week, time to write. Time is going so fast.  We find ourselves speaking the language now. We say ""aye" after our sentences and many other foreign words.  It just comes naturally.
          The work here is very different. We spend many hours trying to establish relationships  with people so we can teach them. The Canadians are very private people & are slow to warm up to strangers. As I'm writing this Stan is outside helping the non-member landlord build a new fence for our apartment complex. They are talking together as they work in the dirt & beat fence posts into the ground.
          This week we went back to Martin's house. He is the Italian we met tracting. This time he was gone but we met his wife Amelia. True Italian. She dramatically pantomimes as she speaks in broken English. She has a great love for God & Jesus Christ. She welcomed us into her home where we visited in the laundry room. We have asked the Zone leaders to help us find an Italian speaking missionary to teach her. We have planned a Branch family talent night. We are hoping to ask Amelia & Martin to cook an authentic Italian meal for the evening. We will purchase the food they need & help them prepare it.
         We also have another new investigator family of six. The mom is from Tahiti & speaks French. The Dad is a German Canadian. They have four great teenagers. The possibilities for them are exciting. We are trying to build a relationship with them.  Christine, mom, is interested in Family a History, our branch president is an expert in family history. He served a six year mission in that field.
I am going to have a "making cards party "with the teenagers. Also, We want to invite the teenagers to Mutual but the branch doesn't do Mutual. We visited with the Branch President about that. The Mom is a professional photographer who works in the main coffee house in town. It called the "Blue Moose ". We also have a "Skinny's Grill " but most places are the "Pub".
         We have another good family from Brazil. It 's Marcio, Silvania, and their two children. They are looking for a religion that will help keep their family strong & teach good values.  They are very good people who attend the Baptist church every Sunday. They were the family that came to our Open House. We had all kinds of things about families for them to see so hopefully that will catch their interest.
          Our non-member neighbor Marlene has become my really good friend. She came over yesterday & gave us two nice gifts. A tomatoe plant which thrilled Stan & a colorful whirligig to put in our garden to keep the local cats from using it as a litter box.
        We tried to meet with Tanna again this week. She is the Author. Her children were sick so she did'nt let us in. We have taught her two lessons. After our first lesson she got into some anti Mormon literature so that is a new challenge.
        One of our Branch families of six is moving to Idaho this summer. So we helped them pack & move boxes to get the house ready to sell. They will leave a big hole in our tiny Branch.
        Our other investigator, Laya, needs us to sponsor her two daughters & family to immigrate to America. So we are looking into the rules & regulations for that. Not sure if we can do much with that while we're living in Canada.
       Tonight we are going with the Branch members to the Temple in Langly. It's a six hour trip but it's always wonderful to be in the Temple. Be very grateful you all have temples so close to you. It's a blessing.
   Our little blue car is  now repaired as good as new. We are grateful for that as well.
   Our District meetings each week are amazing. I am in awe at the valiant, responsible,spiritual young missions that are serving. They are amazing & they teach us so much. I cook a meal for them each week so they can go right back to work after the meeting without going back home. One of the missionaries this week said : " thank you for the good lunch. I didn't have to have cold cereal again today." I am happy to feed them . I always prayed people would feed our sons on their missions.
        Sunday in church the Primary President asked me to teach the children about the Ressurrection in sharing time. I took the picture of our "fantastic five " kids that I brought with me on our mission. I introduced each of our children telling their names and about their families. When I got to Matt, I cried & told them because of Jesus Christ our Matt lives & we will be able to see & talk with him again. The president said the primary has never been so reverent. We have been blessed with amazing people to be our kids. We are so grateful.
      Need to go.....We hope you are all well & having the courage to ask your friends to listen to the missionaries. The field is white & the Lord needs each one of us to help teach the world his truth.
         The church is true. It has been restored. Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God as is Thomas Monson. The Book of Mormon is true. We are blessed beyond measure because we are members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
       We love you all,  Elder & Sister Fisher

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