Oh boy.....last week a lady in our branch died in a horrific car accident. Tonight our neighbor passed away. We are still trying to help the daughter of the lady. There are five children in the family . The other four children came to the funeral. They wanted to know where the money was and how much there was. When the daughter told them there was no will, no money, not even enough to pay for the funeral ;they went home. She is left to clean the house, sell, get rid of everything, deal with grief and take care of her little family. Because her mom wasn't active in the branch, no one in the branch wants to help her. So we have tried to help as much as we can with whatever we can for as long as she needs. Our neighbor just died tonight so we don't know what we can do there. We will see.
We have been spending hours on the food drive this week. I will post a picture of our living room. It will be a blessing after September 17th when that is done. Pray for us. It is really a difficult undertaking and we hope for success.The scope of it is so big. Stan and I will have to do the "Happy Dance" when we're done.
Transfers were this week and we lost a couple of our favorite missionaries. They were outstanding in every way. Too bad we don't have any single daughters to line them up with. Maybe our granddaughters ? Megan ? Lexie ?
SO it unbelievably true. About the rats. I asked our friend Jack if he would call me when he caught a rat at his house. So he caught one on a day we were out of town for meetings. He put it in the freezer for me. I told him I wanted to take a picture and he wanted it to look nice. I will attach the picture here. Keep in mind this is a baby. The mommas are bigger and the daddies much much bigger. I couldn't even take the picture, but Stan did. Good old Jack, he is such a good friend.
Marlene went to church again on Sunday. She sat by a lady visiting from the Stake. The Stake President was the speaker in Sacrament meeting. Near the end of his talk Marlene said out loud to the Stake visitor:" Why in the world do they let people like that talk in church ?" "He yaps like a hurt puppy and doesn't say anything. Blah Blah Blah ." " They put a suit and tie on anybody and let them go on and on".
We had quite a discouraging week. Missions can be an upward climb. We taught a great lesson to Roy about the Book of Moron. He denounced everything, said we could be his friends if we don't talk religion anymore. He doesn't believe there is a devil, or punishment, or hell. ahhhh. We did go rock hunting with him for a couple of hours out on an island of the river with umbrellas . He gave us these cardboard looking and tasting rye wafers for a snack. We did go for a very beautiful hike, saw blue herons. eagles and a goose. Sad that he doesn't have a drop of faith but a very hard heart.
We also taught a lesson to Wally who confronted us with some anti~Mormon literature about blood sacrifice and polygamy. When we asked him to read the Book Of Mormon and pray about it he said: "I will not read it and I will not pray about it."sigh.
We also went to see Fatima and Hussain. They got six new baby goats for their farm. Fatima feeds them with a baby bottle. I'll attach a picture. They are so ready and willing to be taught the gospel.(Fatima & Hussain, not the goats). The zone leaders have been going with us to teach but yesterday when we went there they told us not bring the young kids. Hmmm. How do we tell the Zone leaders that ? Fatima and Hussain are the only real investigators we have.
The study of the Book of Mormon everyday has been a great help to us in our work and discouragement and hopes. We know the book is true. We know the gospel is true. We know we have a loving Heavenly Father and a Redeeming Savior Jesus Christ. Because of that knowledge we carry on, press forward with hope in our hearts that we can make a difference in someone's life. That we can bring people the truth and the great Plan of Happiness. Leaving the comforts of home, missing our children and grandchildren has to be worth it in the end. Sometimes we feel like Johnny Appleseed, we are just planting seeds.
Be strong, be faithful always always. We love you all.
Elder and Sister Fisher
Yes you are planting seeds! So glad you have Fatima and Hussain listening. Funny story abt Markene. So sad abt people passing away. We will pray for the succes of your food drive!