Saturday, May 13, 2017

     WOOHA !!!!!     We have an investigator !!!!!   She is a single mom from Zimbabwe Africa.  We met her at a birthday party, visited with her yesterday, and she & her son are coming to church. I gave her a pass along card so she has already looked at to find out some things about us. Next week we will be teaching her the first lesson. She is so fun. She & I hit it off  from the start. She has been a professioanl nanny & laughs hysterically at whatever I say. We are so excited to have a real investigator. Please pray for her & us.
     There are two couples in the office that turns making the trip to Point Roberts U.S.A. to collect the mail.  On Monday, the couple that was assigned to go was unable to because the Elder had another assignment. So the wife, Sister Smith , asked me if I would go with her. She thought it would be fun because both she & I are directional challenged. Neither of us know where North or a East is nor do we care. We can't read a map either. So both Stan & her husband were worried about us going together. Stan wanted to drive us but Sister Smith said we needed the adventure. We could be like "Thelma & Louise " , whoever they are. So we took our passports , a lunch & took off. We laughed ourselves silly, had a great time and only got lost once. We even remembered to pick up the mail. Ha ! I'll post a picture of us.
    Yesterday , as we were walking to our car, we heard a great commotion. There was a huge eagle sitting in a tree across the street. Around the eagle five black crows were squawking loudly and waving their wings . They keep up the rattling for several minutes. I tried to get a good picture. Finally , the eagle gave up & flew away. There is a picture of the birds chasing the eagle. It was quite the show. I suppose there were some babies in the tree who needed protection. Quite the sight.
     We had a new student come to our English class yesterday. He is a young man from Iran. He was very handsome and very nice. There are many people from Iran here as well as every other country in the world. We have learned so much about other cultures. It's a great learning experience .
     An interestering thing about Canada is how many times you drive down a main city street and the entire lane is blocked off. Men put on those fluorescent vests, take a shovel & a wheelbarrow  out in the street and play. Stan says, their mothers let them play in the street when they were little. Also because real estate is so valuable here , the apartment complexes don't have parking lots. So at night people park in the lane closest to their apartment. You have to be careful driving in that lane because you never know when your going to come across a parked car. Yes, there are no parking signs posted along the streets.
       Now we found a "warlock". First it was a "Witch"  in Hope and now a warlock in our Richmond ward boundaries . They don't do their ceremonies in their house. They build a little building in their back yard. The warlock one had dragons pained on the outside. It has an old fashioned door handle like in King Aurther's castle. They are words painted on the side of the cabin saying : " quiet, I am hunting dragons ".  It's painted nice and is well kept. The house he lives in is a delapated trailer house with junk all over the porch and rats running to & fro.
      We love our mission president. His three years are winding down. He and his wife will go home just a month before us. We will be getting a new president from China, president Wong. That's good because there are so many Chinese people here. He is also a General Authority so he will serve two years instead of three.
      This week was difficult because our sweet granddaughter was married in the Rexburg temple and we were'nt there. That was really hard to miss. We have always tried to put the Lord first in our lives and this was no exception. We will be so excited to meet our new grandson at a later time.
     The gospel is so true. Our Heavenly Father is so good to us. We are so grateful for many blessings and many miracles. There is no doubt where they come from. We so love our Savior Jesus Christ and will never be able to comprehend His love for us. It is sad to see people here  who don't know Him nor do they want to. We have many opportunities to recite the scripture : " I saw a pillar of light, directly above my head, which desended gradually until it fell upon me ..." Joseph Smith is the true prophet of the a Restoration. We owe so much to him. The Book of Mormon is a treasure beyond words. We should find ourselves reading it everyday. Our mission is an incredible experience. Many joys and tears. A journey we are happy we could make together. We love you all.
Elder & Sister Fisher

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful stories! You should write a book. I'm glad you remembered the mail. That's amazing you have an investigator!
